
Voice Crystal - Roland D5/10/20/110/GR50 Sounds

   	VC1 Tones        	VC2 Tones         	VC3 Tones
01      Studio Piano            COZ PAD                 Choir & St.
02      Ice Voices              COZ VOICES              Sand Voice
03      Hrn/Strings             COZ/BOTBRZ              Mattles
04      Rider                   COZ PAD WA              Gutt Voice
05      Tine Out                TineoCOZ                Smoother
06      Coz Slap                SLO SWEEP               MandoChoir
07      Bellamy                 CZ PLUKBEL              Men's Pad
08      Nice Keys               COZ AKEZO               Glow Voz
09      Gtr Edge                COZ COWPIE              Loop o Vah
10      Fave                    MALLETMOOG              Island
11      Viola                   COZ REZKEY              Swell Horn
12      Jazzy Ridr              ORCH PAD                Horn Gutt
13      Toaster                 INDIA                   Ooffer
14      Jam Pad                 REZO PLUK               Fem Key
15      Hitter 1                FULL O COZ              Crystals
16      Scritch                 LESSCOZBAS              Space Keys
17      China Horn              COZ BLUES               Bite Pad
18      Gutsy                   BWOW CLAV               Air Horn
19      Mime Chiff              SYN HORN                Zomb>>.
20      Brasey                  COZBONE                 Bone Fife
21      Trump Hits              TRUMPITCOZ              Orch Sweep
22      Sugar                   COZORDIAN               Power Horn
23      Cozsax                  DogbassCOZ              Sax Choir
24      Squock                  COZZING                 Bell n X
25      Rosin                   HORN O COZ              Sandwitch
26      Mime Chiff              PLUCOZHORN              Handpitch
27      Hit 2                   STRINGZOC               B-3 Filter
28      Full Horns              STTAWOMSOC              Big n Bell
29      Screamn B3              COZYMVOZ                Klammer
30      Flute/Hit               F1OOTOCOZ               B Zar Key
31      DingChiff               WHISTLECOZ              Flute Auto
32      Guit Drum               NEIKA'S KE              Tottier
33      Vox 1                   COSMO'S #1              A Key
34      Glow Guit               COSMO'S #2              A Key 2
35      Bazz Guitr              JAMCOZMAN               Rap Drums
36      P Bass 2                COZGUTGUIT              Bass Bass
37      Accoust Bas             COZGRITAR               Vita B-3
38      Medieval                SPECTOCOZ               Plaquins
39      Runk                    COXMALBRAS              Africa
40      Zringer                 COZMANDOVO              R Guitar
41      Brass Coz               COMMA COZY              Japan
42      Gutsy                   COZ FUNK B              China
43      Vox 2                   COSMOS'N                Fruit
44      Oxygen                  AIRCOZ                  Straight
45      Orient                  COZMONOTS               Russia 1
46      Land of Oz              BASSONCOZ               Russia 2
47      Empress                 COZAROLL                Bell Lab
48      Coz Swell               COZ SPACE               Perc<>Bass
49      Scream                  COZTUM                  Zambitas
50      Chime Vox               COZ TRAINS              Widgets
51      Sad Eyes                ANCIENT                 The End
52      Telakeys                COZ JAM                 Vibes
53      Air Brakes              COZ AIRS                Voicer
54      Cossacks                COZ O PAQU              Clarinet#
55      GX-1 Horns              COZ HORNS               Klams
56      SaxSection              PNO/SYN                 Spain
57      Smooth Key              COZIN KEY               Rez Organ
58      J'Breaker               COZ ME FLL              Ooz Organ
59      Moog Agogo              NYLON COZ               Mad Billy
60      Phase Flut              NOVA COZA               Banana
61      Rattler                 COZ TOON                F-Synths
62      Perc 1                  BOPPIN COZ              BraSynths
63      Movie P1                COZ U F O               Biker
64      Bomb                    COZ WARS                Cozzer

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