Happy customer quote: By the way, I absolutely love the SY-77 patches! These are by far the best patches I have for my SY-77, and they will most likely be installed on the synth permanently. Thanks for a great product! - Steve (Monument, CO)
VC1 VC2 Bank A Bank A Mello-Dyno Jazz Rhds Dirty-Dyno TineQuire Mood Keys StereoVibe Honky Tonk VitalOrgan Dream Pno Dirty B3 Two Pianos Circus Boy Pipes 0.1 Pan Pipes 0.2 Floot ChiffFlute lce Flute DoubleReed Nasty Sax Zip Strngs Growl Sax Hrn-Strngs Stereo Tpt SymphBrass Brass Sect AnaBra/Str Aurora Dark Brass Stereo Str FMSymHorns BigStAnna Bank B Bank B GTR 1 DistGuitar GTR 2 Rock nRoll GTR 12s StratosVox GTR VOX J.L.Ponty Stab Lead E-bow Hmd Dulcmr Angelz Celtic Hrp Dornier lndia 1 SynBraStab The Stars Get Busy Navigator Jupiter 8v AnaBrass-2 OBject Elect.Bass OBvious SynthBass2 BigFretlss EnharmBass MacroBass Cyber Slap BatBass Vector 23 BassFace Bank C Bank C MaasNeotek PPGpaidOff Chromilium Elasticity Pleades lce Cold Bellspirit Possible Star-Call Crash Pad Monastary Saw Bell Gothic Bell Kit Doo-Dah ItsTubular Galaxy Voice Vibe MoonWreck Temple Air Moon Light Steam Choir WayStation ProphetVox Square Pad Surreal Lapse IV Elsewhere Chroma 1 Tethering Lost Souls Frankenbrth Bank D Bank D TechGuitar UpperRealm NewHorizon Geodesics Tangent 2 Wind Foil LEXUS ln a Tube Rainy Day DisneyWurl Big Synth Fresh Gtr Pipg Dream Dist Strat `Ol Glory Lead Me On Headhunter Funky Dark Ages Tandem Rig Mr.Roboto NatlAnthem BlueVibrat Celestial X-Factor Solar Sail Way Out Black Hole Theyr Here Dungeon AlterdStat Predator 3