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Voice Crystal - ASR-10 / EPS-16 Sounds
Model VCASR10 ia a 25 disk set of sounds for the ASR-10, EPS-16 Sampling keyboards and TS-10 Synthesizer. It contains a full array of instruments and musical styles along with full implimentation of effects and presets. A primary feature of this set is that it provides you with many sounds which were designed in small and efficient block sizes so that you can have all 8 tracks loaded in a sequence without having to upgrade your internal RAM. Full 25 Disk Set - List $ The Sound Clips on this page are placed here in both 22khz and 44khz formats listed by file size. Unlike the synth sound clips on other pages which demonstrate our patch parameter (timbre) settings using the synths' internal sample architecture, we realize that you may want to preview the exact quality of the samples in this set. This means the file sizes will often be quite a bit larger than our 50k average and will therefore take longer to download. The 22k version was converted using a 3db high freq. emphasis, so in some cases both versions will sound almost identical. Where there is no 44khz demo given it is because the quality of the 22khz sample was close enough to give you a good preview. Short versions are supplied for quick previews, but may not demonstrate the full keyboard range or playability. INSTRUMENT BLOCKS Short 22khz 22khz Demo 44khz Demo DISK 1 PIANO Demo = PNOHEAVENBNK JD800*PNO 1332 241k 482k LOWCOSTPIANO 138 MIRACLEPIANO 70 DISK 2 EPIANO / ORGAN Demo = EPIANOBNK DIGI*GRAND 248 SOFT EPIANO 595 75k 386k TINY-EP 11 122k 244k HARPSICHORD 27 HONER CLAV 17 PERC ORGAN 143 85k 2 STOP-B3 16 3 STOP-B3 16 CHURCH ORGAN 12 CATHEDRAL 15 139k 278k REED ORGAN 17 ACCORDIAN 14 NOTRE DAME 285 DISK 3 CHROMATIC PERCUSSION Demo = MELODICPBNK MUSIC BOX 26 VIBRAPHONE 52 MARIMBA 16 PERC PAD PLUS 93 POT COVERS 163 108k 549k BALAPHONE 23 (see Mega Bass Demo) GLOCKENSPIEL 174 CELESTE 221 AGOGO 63 DISK 4 GUITAR 1 Demo = GUITARBNK CLASSIC GTR 1349 56k 237k(32khz) 326k ACOUSTIC GTR 201 47k(32khz) 103k 206k DISK 5 GUITAR 2 Demo = CLASSICFXBNK CLASSICAL-FX 1547 DISK 6 ELECTRIC GUITAR PICK EGUITAR 16 PLUCKEGTR 14 HEAVY METAL 1156 51k 102k PEDAL STEEL 10 DISK 7 BASS ACOUSTICBASS 96 42k 311k FINGERBASS 511 PICK BASS 19 SLAPBASS HRM 40 FRETLESSBASS 127 FRETLESSLITE 19 FRETLESSLITE2 32 61k LEGATO MOOGS 150 71k 143k TWO BASSES 146 64k 127k SYNBASSMINI 26 34k MACRO MOOG 39 SMACK BASS 142 31k 63k MOOG SOURCE 23 33k DISK 8 & 9 CHAMBER STRINGS CHAMBER STR 1798 SWEEPSTER 1182 DISK 10 STRINGS VIOLIN 128 VIOLA 151 CELLO 147 JEANLUC SOLO 65 153k FIDDLE 40 FIDDLE 5-WAV 66 MARCATO 250 200k JX STRINGS 293 88k(11khz) 255k HARP 301 HARP LITE 117 DISK 11 VOX / ENSEMBLE ANGEL 80 CHOIR-2WAV 487 42k 191k AIR VOX 135 MARK VOX 63 ANGELS 40K 180 MALE VOICES 193 O3R VOICES 289 MOZART HIT 133 145k 291k DISK 12 & 13 VOICE JAZZ VOICE JAZZ 1915 DANCEMACABE 661 DISK 14 BRASS / ENSEMBLE TRUMPET 170 TRUMPET LITE 73 TROMBONE 268 TROMBONELITE 83 TRUMP+BONE 82 FRENCH HORN 93 TUBA 72 HIT* BRASS 233 (see Skritch Funk demo) 139k 278k HIT* BRASS LITE 27 SYN BRASS -1 9 SYN BRASS -2 9 TYMPANI 124 DISK 15 REED / WIND TENOR SAX 82 ALTO SAX 193 BARITONE 233 60k 119k SAX LITE 31 OBOE 80 99k 198k BASSOON 14 CLARINET 114 78k 3 FLUTES 74 WOOD FLUTE 17 BLOWPIPE 140 79k 159k DISK 16 PADS D-50 FANTASY 662 46k 167k FANTASIA 101 GHOSTIE 236 79k 158k AIROFMYSTERY 247 34k 181k XFADEWIREVOX 319 45k 151k DISK 17 NEW AGE NEW AGER 682 M1 FLUTE/GTR 532 ICE ISLAND 143 55k 176k BELL PAD 34 CALLIOPE 135 58k 115k DISK 18 ETHNIC BANJO 132 STEEL DRUMS 106 GHANDISYNTH 348 163k 326k ZITHERMUSIC 358 FINGER PIANO 50 BAGPIPES 59 96k TAM TAM 124 DISK 19 GENERAL MIDI DRUMSET GM-DRUMSET 1543 This set contains 80 Percussion Instruments which conform note-for-note (D#2 thru D#6) to the General MIDI specification. The GM spec. calls for the drums channel to be set to Channel 10. Set the EPS-16/ASR10 Instrument channel to 10 when playing back external GM sequences. To play the bottom range of instruments between D#2 & B2 from the EPS 5-octave keyboard set the instrument octave to 0. DISK 20 CAMEL DRUMS (20 Drum & Percussion Instruments) CAMEL DRUMS 996 95k 190k DISK 21 PERCUSSION (30 Percussion Instruments) PERCUSSION 1537 DISK 22 SKRITCH FUNK Demo = SKRFUNKBNK 224k(mono) 896k(st) SKRITCH FUNK 334 LEXUS 315 THIN*CITY 295 (short intro piece) ROKDRUMS 78 HIT*BRASS 234 DISK 23, 24, 25 MEGA BASS DEMO The Big One! 3.04M(st) 3*WAY*SAX* + 1455 HYPER PAD 44 BALAPHONE 21 MEGA****BASS 1239 SUPER KIT 622 |
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